Since moving to Alabama, I have met some pretty amazing people and gained some amazing new clients that I can already tell will have a lasting impact on my life and business. These 2 are definitely some of those people.
I met Ashley and Brix just a few short months ago and realized really fast how lucky I am that our paths crossed. After meeting them, I experienced some of the hardest days of my life and these two people I had just met only a few weeks before were so caring and supportive and understanding and it meant so very much to me!
They are the sweetest couple and I knew from the moment I met them that I was going to enjoy being around them! They share a love for each other and their sweet baby girl that is beyond words. This girl is going to be spoiled rotten!
Plus – they like Chick fil a so we are already like the same person!
Moss Rock preserve is quickly becoming a favorite session location for me too!
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